Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tuesday Tips #3

Hey all, just wanted to fire off a few more tips since it's Tuesday and because I'm fan of alliteration.

17. Give real gifts, not pricey plastic crap - Okay, honestly, I have nothing against giving (and getting) electronics for a present or new clothes or something purchased in a store... even a boring old gift card. There's nothing inherently wrong with the gifts. I could, however, go off and preach about our consumerist society and how stupid its obsession of gifts is... but, I won't. I could! The real, frugal idea here is putting your heart and a bit of thought into a gift, perhaps by actually using your hands to make something for someone. It's cheesy and the idea seems to be a hit with little kids (for their parents, mind you), but there's some real gold here. I'm going to put a classy little link right here that sums this up and shares 30 ideas for you to try out. The article is a good read.

18. Unplug - This isn't a "shoot your TV" tip. That's silly. But, I do suggest unplugging anything that you don't use too often. Appliances and electronics drain just a teensy bit of energy, even while "off." That statement means nothing to you, I'm sure. But, when you consider how it all adds up? We used to leave our coffee maker plugged in all the time. We used it once a month it seemed like. Looking back, I think that was kind of a waste. TVs do have the most latent energy use while "off." They have to be ready to come in near instantly when you press the remote after all. Obviously if these plugs are difficult to get to, maybe it's not worth it. But I do make it a routine to keep things unplugged, save for our one digital clock in our bedroom and our refrigerator, etc.

19. Learn to drive and take care of your car - Change your oil every few thousand miles, keep your tires well-inflated, and make sure your air filter is cleaned fairly often. These few things supposedly help improve your gas mileage overall. Makes sense. Keep your trunk light, if you can. If there's heavy junk in there it does have a (slight) affect on your mileage. Avoid slamming on your breaks or breaking often for no good reason, as well as accelerating needlessly when a red light or stop sign is in sight. Also, make sure your front tires are properly aligned and have your tires rotated regularly. This slows down tire wear. All of these things add up to improve fuel economy as well as the overall longevity of your vehicle's life. And as we all know, right after a house, your car is probably your most expensive thing. Car repairs are never fun, and in my experience, they always hurt my wallet.

I realized after coming back and re-reading this post, prior to submitting it, that these three tips are probably my most opinionated. I know everyone has a different outlook on life and a different way of doing things. The problem with our society and our world is that we don't respect that about each other. We all think our political stances, religious views, diets, brands and favorite shows are better than everyone else's. I don't mean to be hypocritical or unbearably opinionated with the above, so avoid reading in too deep. No stepping on toes is intended. I guess that's what advice really is though. Thanks for reading. Comments and shares appreciated.

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